Wednesday, November 30, 2016

X. Self assesssment and evaluation of our own learning in this course

Recommendation to better this teacher training course

by Helen García
Since the very beginning, I did not know what to expect from this course; I knew I had to do the teaching practices, but before doing them, I was really afraid of discovering whether I was good at teaching, or I was not good at it.

Before this course, I had never dealt with children before; it seemed something really difficult to do. Despite of the difficult task I had to face, I could do it using some tips that teaching books suggest.
I consider I have learned so many things, for instance to carry out a class successfully or to create lesson plans.

I have conquered my fear of being in front of many people, and I think this something beneficial for my future performance as a teacher.
I have improved my English proficiency so much througout this course as I had to prepared several presentations that required me to be aware of the proper use of the language.

Teaching was an amazing experience for me; I have found out my passion for this great profession when I had the opportunity to do it.
I think this course is very helpful for students that want to become teachers of the English language. It is important to learn more entertaining and educational activities in order to call our very young learners’ attention.

by Susana Martínez
At the beginning of this course, I thought that it was going to be boring because I was not 100% interesting at teaching, but I started working as a teacher in a school; therefore, I started paying attention to all the things I was being taught.
I began feeling interesting in the course and putting into practice all the things I was learning because I found them very useful when teaching English. 

Though I was scared to teach, I was excited, for I was going to be called Teacher, and I was going to be teaching to children. When I started my teaching practices I started to fall in love with teaching until I got to a point when I told myself: I love being a teacher, this is what I want to do for living.

There were some days when I felt frustrated because the kids were not in the mood for studying, but I could cheer them up and make them work enthusiastically until the end of the class thanks to all the things I was learning in class. 

by Hugo Melgar
In my teaching practices, I accept that I commited many mistakes and that I sometimes, unfortunately, did not realized about them.
I know that I have to improve in many areas of my English knowledge, and in other areas too.
Some things in which I need to improve are:
First of all, I have to improve my fluency while I am teaching something in a classroom, or while I am talking with my friends. I also need to study more and prepare very well the classes in order to get the students´ attention.

I have to be more dynamic and creative when I am teaching because I really like to be a good teacher, and I would like to get a good job. I also think that I have to improve all my English skills in order to be agood and succesful teacher. I think that it is not as easy as it seems to be, but it is no impossible to achieve.

This course DEL I was very interesting because I took my first practice at the school. I had the opportunity to teach little kids from first grade. It was very interesting because I learnt how to create a lesson plan that is going to be an useful tool while teaching, and I learnt so many things as well.

A recommendation to better this teaching training course can be: we as students need to study hard in order to have good grades, and we need to set our time or to have much time to prepare our activities that we are going to use when we teach.

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