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II Lesson plan as a success tool for teachers
To start with this explanation we have to know what a lesson plan is.A lesson plan is the teacher´s guide for running a particular lesson, and it concludes tha goal (what the students are supposed to learn), how the goal will be reach (the method procedure) and the way of measuring how well the goal was reached (test, worksheet, homework, etc.)
How useful is lesson planning for teacher.
Many times the tachers do not know what to do in their classroom because they do not prepared a lesson plan to develop their classes. At the end of the classes students do not understand and do not learn anything of the class.
Lesson planning is very useful for teachers because it is a guide that helps them to develop a class.
Lesson plan shows an arranged series of steps that the teachers have to follow in order to develop an excellent and successful class and not only the class but also it gives teachers a good environment in the classroom.
A lesson plan is made up by some specific steps we have to take into account when we are designing our lesson plan.
Expectation, learning environment, resources, content, teaching strategies, clossure, and assessment.
b) What are the most useful parts in the lesson plan when teaching VYL?
Lesson plan is made up by many parts all of them are useful and important, butamong them there are other that are more important because they show us what we have to do, how we have to do it, and why we have to do it.
Here we have the steps we consider that are the most important.
Expectation in other words let´s says objectives.
Objectives: are very important, they are the bases of the whole class because if the teacher writes the right general and specifics objectives, and if he or she follows them teacher will know well what to do during the time that he or she is developing the class.
Writing good objectives and put them into practice, the teacher will show to his or her students what he or she wants to achieve at the end of the class. That is why writing good objectives helps teachers to have the control of the class and to create a good environment.
Teaching strategies: this is another important part of the lesson plan because in this part teacher is going to introduce the topic of the class that is gong to be about through differents activities or dinamics,also students are going to realize if the class is going to be interesting or boring.
Clossure: It is important because is the phase of the lesson plan in which the teacher is going to realize if what he taught was understandable for students, and also clossure is important because in this phase students put into practice what they learnt from the class.
C) What was your own experience with lesson planning?
My experience with lesson planning was very interesting because I learnt how to create it and how to put in practice.
I prepared a lesson plan for every single class I taught I prepared it two or three days in advance for studying and prepared the material I was going to need.
Doing a lesson plan for every class helps a lot because we can take the control of the class; also a lesson plan that has been organized very well helps to achieve all the things we want to.
Teaching is very intersting and it becomes more interesting if we use our lesson plan every class we are going to teach.
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