When things go wrong in
By Helen García
Internal Disturbance
In my personal experience, I had to dealt with a cute disturbance in
some classes. I had a little boy who always liked to walk around the classroom
while I was teaching, and even when his teacher was doing it.
The majority of times I
could provide him an activity to do, but he worked so fast that I had to be
ready with an extra activity for him. After few days, I could run the situation
in a good way knowing that I needed to have some tasks just for him in order to
maintan my class in control.
External Disturbance
The most common external
disturbance I had to face was the recess as there were so many kids running, playing,
and making noise outside the classroom.
It was really difficult to
keep talking while other children were outside playing or talking. My students
usually were visited by their brothers or sisters during the recess, so it
broke our learning atmosphere.
I learned how to deal with
this situation by asking them some things related to the previous topic, by
singing songs, or by playing a game that required them to put into practice the
things they had been studying. I can say that after some days we did not notice
the noise or their relatives’ presence.
Too Long Activity
I asked my students to fill
a drawing using little balls of paper; nevertheless, they did not like to work
using that material. They were willing to work with this material at the beginning,
but after some time had passed, they seemed unwilling to continue working. All
my students started the task, but unfortunately, they could finish it that day.
In my next class, I
continued with this topic in order to finally complete it.
Having experienced that
situation, I never carried out another activity similar to that one again.
The tips presented by the
book were really helpful for me. I put into practice the ones about the too
long activity as I did not know what to do with that unexpected situation. I
could solve the other situatiations by using my commom sense, and surprisingly,
I acted as the book suggested; thus, the tips it provides are completely
advisable for those who are going to work with children.
By Hugo Melgar
It happened the first class; there were many children,
and I did not have any experience with children. At the beginning, they were
very interested because they were going to learn new things about English.
I started the class with a warm up activity, and
children enjoyed the activity. I thougth that the class was going to be easy,
but it was somewhat difficult.
That day I taught them “the parts of the body”; I
chose that topic because it seemed to be easy to learn and teach. When I
started to teach the class, children were paying attention, but some minutes
later they got bored, and they started to talk to each other, some students
wanted to fight. The teacher realized that there was a big noise and that some
students wanted to fight, so she talked to them and children calmed down and
started to pay attention again.
I continued teaching the topic, but they started to
feel bored again. I thougth in developing another activity in order to get
students´ attention, so students and I played the activity called “Simon says.”
I told them “if the activity works, we are going to colour” and they understood
very well, so the activity worked very well.
I learnt a little bit how to deal with little kids; also,
I learnt that a class can finish very well even though if it starts bad, but if
we as teacher know how to deal with that terrible situation, we are going to be
saccesful teachers.
The tips in the book are useful for TVYLs because they
help us how to deal with children and how to deal when the class goes out of
control. If I had not read that chapter, I would not have known what to do with
that problem.
by Susana Martínez
In my experience as a teacher, I had only two problems while I was
1- There
was a boy that had to take medicine prescript for his psychologist to behave
and not to punch other kids, but he ran out of medicine in the middle of the
month, so he started o misbehave and punch other kids. The problem was that if
I said something to him, he would have started to cry and even punch me
sometimes, but I could handle it by putting him to help me to do some
activities because he liked to help.
2- Another
problem was that sometimes the teacher had things to do with some kids, so she
asked me to teach them for more time than usual. The problem was that she never
told me that in advance, so I did not prepare anything extra the first time,
but I started to prepare some things to be ready for those situations.
Fortunately I had a small group, so I did not
have any other problem.